Council Minutes: May 15, 2024

  1. Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

  2. Devotions led by Bill Block

  3. Motion to approve agenda with following addition by Miles, Marilyn, MSC

  4. CYF Report: Jerry read the report

  5. Motion to approve Secretary's Report by Marilyn, Clara, MSC

  6. Motion to approve Treasurer's Report by Marilyn, Bill, MSC
    a. Vote to appoint Betty Jane Baranczyk as Treasurer with voting authority by Marilyn, Micki, MSC
    b. Betty Jane needs to be bonded; insurance company needs to be called
    c. Motion to make Quorum of Finance Team auditors for 2023-2024 by Miles, Marilyn, MSC

  7. President's Report

  8. Pastor's Report: discussed online license concerns for podcast & use license.
    a. Motion to renew One License by Bill, Miles, MSC

  9. Team/Organization items for Council action
    a. No need for Council Action in changing Koin$ 4 Kid$ donation switch to VBS from camp fund. Jerry will talk to Lisowes and Hertwig to clarify plan on money from aluminum can recycling.
    b. Kevin Dahle from Impact Ministries International will be here as a guest speaker on July 14

  10. Old Business: none

  11. New Business
    a. Motion to approve Rachel's vacation by Miles, Bill, MSC
    b. Civic Club donation request for 4th of July & Grace Lutheran donation for Joyful Noise concert: Motion to forward both donation requests to L.A.C.E. for consideration (If those requests do not qualify for L.A.C.E. funds, Council will cover donation of $100 to each) by Miles, Marilyn, MSC

  12. Miscellaneous
    a. Newsletter: Motion to have some physical newsletters available in church for those members who are not able to access the online newsletter by Miles, Bill, MSC

  13. Communications from Council: none

  14. Next meeting: June 12 at 7:00 p.m.

  15. Motion to adjourn by Marilyn, Miles, MSC. Closed with the Lord's Prayer.

Submitted by Micki Carlson

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