Council Minutes: August 21, 2024

2024 September Newsletter

Present: Jerry Luther, Marilyn Reichwald, Miles Winkler, Bill Block, Micki Carlson, Pastor Chris Byars

Guests: Erik & Rachel Knueppel, Lloyd Kirsch


  1. Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:02pm

  2. Miles led devotions

  3. Motion to approve agenda with the following additions by Miles, Marilyn, MSC

    a. Add Lloyd to 4. Communications from attendees

  4. Communications from attendees
    a. Lloyd present to address concerns
    b. CYF Report: VBS was fantastic and ran smoothly! Thank you, Rachel!
    c. Claire Hertwig requested faucets in the Education Building bathrooms and kitchen island be replaced. Motion to approve by Miles, Bill, MSC.

  5. Motion to approve Secretary's report by Miles, Marilyn, MSC

  6. Treasurer's Report: none, Betty Jane was ill

  7. President's Report: Donations for new furnaces and air conditioning were made. Thank you cards will be sent.

  8. Pastor's Report: verbal report

  9. Team items for Council action: none

  10. Old Business
    a. Council is still working on replacements for Jon Simpson on Council and Deb Pecha on Finance Team.
    b. Council is still working on contacting the Ebenreiter Family about funding a new carillon.

  11. New Business
    a. Motion to give a $250 Philippi grant to the family of Bo Halla by Miles, Micki, MSC.
    b. Motion to accept Wayne’s vacation day on September 29 by Marilyn, Bill, MSC.
    c. Motion to accept the 2024 Christmas cantata proposal by Micki, Bill, MSC.

  12. Miscellaneous: none

  13. Communications from the council: thank you cards were written and set on Rachel’s desk to be mailed; Jerry Luther will get the Philippi grant to the Halla family.

  14. Next meeting date: September 17, 2024

  15. Devotions: Bill

  16. Motion to adjourn by Marilyn, Miles, MSC

Submitted by Micki Carlson


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