Council Minutes: June 12, 2024

Present: Jerry Luther, Bill Block, Marilyn Reichwald, Micki Carlson, Pastor Chris Byars

  1. Jerry called the meeting to order at 7:06pm

  2. Micki led devotions

  3. Motion to approve agenda by Marilyn, Bill, MSC

  4. Communications from attendees: Rachel reported on CYF: June is intentionally a "quiet" month. A lot of outside activities are going on. They are working hard on VBS. Also, "Donuts for Dads" on Father's Day.

  5. Motion to approve Secretary's report by Marilyn, Micki, MSC

  6. Treasurer's Report

    a. Audit was done for 2023

    b. Motion to add Betty Jane to our signature card.

  7. President's Report: Jon Simpson is wondering about being replaced on council as he is having a hard time with all of their doctors appointments.

  8. Pastor's Report

    a. Vacation July 5-10, Pastor Carole Neitzel-Schnur is filling in

    b. Branding website: colors, fonts, logos, etc. Working on building our digital online presence and more communication

    c. Worship Assistants/Visitation Team training on June 23

    d. Pastor is still working hard to get Finance and Stewardship & Evangelism Teams to work together on increasing the general fund. They have many fundraising ideas.

  9. Team items for Council action: L.A.C.E. approved donations for Gillett 4th of July and Grace Lutheran's Joyful Noise concert.

  10. Old Business

    a. needs clarification, Rachel will explain on Sunday

    b. Aluminum can recycling: Jerry talked to Helen & Gary Lisowe. The money from recycling the aluminum cans goes to the Christian Education Scholarship Fund. There was discussion on capping scholarships at $500.

  11. New Business

    a. The carillon timing is off. Miles is to check and see on pricing to replace. This will be tabled until next month. There was discussion about asking the Ebenreiter Family who donated the last time if they may want to donate again.

    b. Annual Gathering: Pastor is going and Sharon Raatz had expressed interest. What does the church cover as far as hotel, registration, transportation, etc. Can we use Thrivent Choice Dollars to cover this? The LCMC Annual Gathering is in Marion, Iowa.

    c. Motion to approve Wayne's vacation on August 18 by Marilyn, Bill, MSC. Rachel will fill in on this Sunday

  12. Next meeting date: July 17 at 7:00pm

  13. Devotions: Marilyn

  14. Motion to adjourn by Marilyn, Bill, MSC

Submitted by Micki Carlson

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