Past Events:
The coffee fundraiser went very well! We made a profit of $260! We will be doing this same fundraiser annually for the foreseeable future.
Muffins for Mother's Day was a hit! We got a lot of positive feedback.
Events in the Planning Stage:
VBS planning is in full swing! That is taking up much of our meeting time, but we are also discussing other summer events.
The parade float was discussed and we have secured a Thrivent Action Team to purchase frisbees to throw out from our float. We are in need of someone to pull the float during the parade.
June 30 is a 5th Sunday and we are planning for the Youth to lead the service.
Ideas for the Future:
We are discussing other ways to fundraise to support our team. We are fortunate to have many people offer their Thrivent Action Teams but we also wish to fundraise. We already host a few dinners throughout the year (Annual Meeting meal, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, etc.) but we are looking into ways to fundraise that would being in people from the greater Gillett area as well.
We are looking to have a Silent Auction at the Annual Church Picnic to help fund VBS, and we are also looking into a car wash this summer sometime.