Present: Chris & Dawn Byars, Sydnie Patzer, Erik & Rachel Knueppel
Old Business:
Finance Report
Recap Easter
a. Egg Hunt (bigger eggs worked great, did 300 but could do more because we had enough candy, maybe separate kids by age, have older kids in the basement and little kids in the Family Room?)
b. Kids singing at the 9:30am service was wonderful! Next year, we'll put a masking tape box in front of the cross to keep the kids all in one spot.
New Business
Upcoming events
a. Stepping Stones: everything has been ordered, stoles are being made, we have a complete list of all participants but need to make sure they are all invited.
b. Sunday School: party for the end of the year, we'll buy a cake
c. Mother's Day: gifts for mothers has been planned, Sydnie will coordinate
Looking Ahead: June
a. Father's Day: gifts for fathers has been planned, Sydnie will coordinate
b. VBS prep: craft nights are scheduled every Thursday in June & July
c. 5th Sunday in June will be youth-led
Looking Ahead: July
a. 4th of July parade: need to find someone to pull the float, and think of ideas for decorating. Sydnie will ask if we can borrow the wagon again this year.
Harvest Days: received the vendor registration and want to send it in ASAP, Sydnie might be able to get us a Sundrop slushie machine
Next Meeting: May 8, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.
Submitted by: Rachel Knueppel