August Prayer List

Below is our complete Prayer List for the month of August. Please contact the office if you or someone you know would like to be added to our prayers!
(920)855-6215 or

Please call the church office if you would like a pastoral visit or if you’d like to start the prayer chain.
If someone on the list has had prayers answered, please let us know so we can take their name off of the list and give a praise report for the answered prayer! Thank you!


Illness: Members
Shecter Lisowe
Joyce Anderson
Sharon Simpson
Ruby Hinkfuss
Scott Pankow
Brenda Kadlec
Bill Pecha
Dale Coopman
Bob Schindel
Dennis & Janice Olesewski


Delores Dinse
Lorraine Giese
Dorothy McDowell

Assisted Living/Care Centers
Merlin Lintner, Serenity Gardens
Lenea Carlson, Serenity Gardens
Cynthy Bourgeois, Rennes West
Oconto Falls
Barb Wicker, Meadowbrook
Carolyn Block, Meadowbrook
Gerri Hansen, Meadowlands

Illness: Friends
Bo Halla, grandson of Dale & Linda Halla, cancer
Lynn Kieffer, aunt of Betty-Jane Baranczyk, end stage lung cancer
George Behling, father of Betty-Jane Baranczyk, recovery from surgery
Steve Wicker, son of Barb Wicker, blood cancer
Carla Knueppel, mother of Erik Knueppel
Glen Gaertig, brother of Pearl Czechan, stage 4 cancer
Becky Kern Erndt, friend of Heidi Young
Felix Vaslazuez, friend of Erik Knueppel, severe arthritis
Art Percy, brother-in-law of Pastor Chris & Dawn, heart failure
Briella Peiper, friend of Heidi Young
Jim Dobberphul, waiting for a new heart, friend of Farran Korth
Rick Wollin, husband of Maureen Wollin


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