Mission Team Minutes: March 13, 2024

Present: Mel Reichwald, Ken Butzin, Wayne Wenzel, Jerry Luther, Pastor Chris, Sheri Wenzel

Old Business:
Giving for the Care Share Food Pantry was $375 plus lots of groceries. We will be doing a “Souper Bowl Sunday” again next year.
Giving for the Tartu Home of Hope is $525 year to date
CP Telethon giving was $481 which was matched to make it $962.
Thank you to all who gave to these great causes!

New business:
Our April Mission is the Friends of Madagascar.
We also talked about doing a mission trip to help Impact Ministries with their new safe house in western Minnesota. Sheri will call and get more information.

Next Meeting: April 10 at 9:00 a.m.

Submitted by: Sheri Wenzel

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