Stewardship & Evangelism Team Minutes: May 6, 2024

Present: Pastor Chris Byars, Darrell Ruege, Ruth Milhans, Keri Hicks, Mel Reichwald, Vern Dahlstrom

Old Business:

  1. Minutes from the last meeting were read by Mel Reichwald

  2. Need a Thrivent Action Team for the Oconto County Fair

  3. We will help with planning for New Members 1st session in October

New Business:

  1. Pastor Chris opened in prayer

  2. Finance Team is working with Stewardship & Evangelism Team to:

    a. get a clear vision of what money is income vs. expenditures that are previously designated

    b. use of media feeds (YouTube, Facebook, etc.): subscribe and get people to watch to monetize

    c. plan for financial stability

    d. establish endowment to help sustain St. John's ministry

    e. Pastor would like to see trends from the past 5 years

    f. pledge cards were discussed

    g. quarterly financial reports to S & E

    h. teaching congregation on gifts of giving

    i. make a proposal to the council about Thrivent Choice Dollars being designated to annual gathering and announce this to members

Next Meeting Date: June 3 at 5:00 p.m.
Submitted by Keri Hicks

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