July 3 | Time: 5:00 p.m.
Present: Pastor Chris Byars, Mel Reichwald, Darrell Ruege, Ruth Milhans
Mel opened in prayer.
Old Business:
4th Sunday Social after church, no one has volunteered for June, we hope someone or some team volunteers for August.
New Business:
St. John’s will be having a booth at the Oconto County Fair again. We will hand out religious materials, children's Bibles, and candy. Mel will get a Thrivent Action Team to buy materials. We will need people to sit at our booth. Look for a signup sheet in mid-August. Also, Ruth will donate a cross to be given away.
St. John’s will have a bake sale at the Homecoming & Harvest Days on Saturday, October 12.
Next Meeting Date: August 5 at 5:00 p.m.
Submitted by Mel Reichwald