Women of the Church Minutes: August 13, 2024

2024 September Newsletter

Present: Dawn Byars, Laura Koenig, Helen Lisowe, Sharon Raatz, Sharon Simpson, Nancy Stark and Sheri Wenzel.

Meeting was called to order with a prayer by Sharon Raatz.

Secretary’s Report was read and accepted.

Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted.


Old Business:
1. Discussed kits for Orphan Grain Train. Will start a collection for Hygiene kits with help from the congregation. Also work as a group sewing Feminine kits for girls and possibly sewing tote bags. For next years collection.

2. No response to Stamping for Jesus so will offer to Sunday School and Youth Group if they want to make cards.


New Business:

1. OGT packing on Monday the 19th. We will provide lunch.

2. Will host Fellowship coffee on the 25th.

3. Discussed Bazaar.


Next Meeting: September 10 at 9:00 a.m.
Submitted by Helen Lisowe, sec.

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