Worship Team Minutes: June 4

Present: Pearl Czechan, Sharon Simpson, Laura Koenig, Pastor Chris Byars

  1. Opened with prayer.

  2. We will ask Rachel to make new laminated bookmarks for the pew Bibles.

  3. A motion was made and approved to go with Oconto Floral for our altar flowers to save money. We do have open dates on the Flower Chart. We welcome fresh arrangements from your garden also!

  4. There will be training after service and fellowship on Sunday, June 23, 2024. The training will be for Usher/Greeters, Communion servers, Altar Guild, and Visitation Team.

  5. Pastor will be on vacation on July 7 and Pastor Carole Neitzel-Schnur will lead our services.

  6. Closed with the Lord's Prayer.

Next Meeting Date: July 2 at 6:00 p.m.
Submitted by Laura Koenig

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